Another Week of Work complete

This week I was definitely more productive. I was somehow able to sit on the floor in my common room for a few hours and knock out all of the assignments for this week. I tend to have a few assignments left for Sunday night, but I was super productive today and this was reassuring for me. This week I added the introduction to my blog. I was also able to add some research to some of my other analysis. These are not uploaded yet, but they are in good progress. The research I am including is the history of my topics and how they relate to my overall theme of "equality and freedom of expression can be seen through all time periods". I am excited to see how my finished product turns out because I am starting to feel more confident in my project. My goal for this upcoming week is to upload another analysis. I also need to find more works of art that fit my topic. I am wanting to find another work that fits each time period we studied and wrote about in our blogs. 

I see progress so exciting! | Make a Meme


  1. Hey Lenard, it's great to hear that you've had a productive week. Changing up where you do your work really does help your levels of productivity I've noticed. By what you said it sounds like you're making really good progress on your website and are staying on track with your work. I can’t wait to see what else you come up with and what works you choose to use to fit each time period. Good luck!

  2. Hey how's it going, it seems like everything is going well. You're probably a lot more on track than I am but at least you're being really productive. You're topic sounds quite interesting, I am curious to see how it all turns out. I hope everything continues to go well for you in the semester. Good luck have a nice day.

  3. Hi, it looks like you made good progress this week and expect to make even more. That is great to hear and I like how you already planned out for next week. The topic you chose is very interesting and excited about how it turns out. I can’t wait to see your progress next week and good luck finding more arts that fit your topic.


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